Saturday, July 07, 2007

Give me my money back CS

Give me my 1000 dollars back!!! I just took Step 2 CS (clinical skills) in Houston. An entire day dedicated to me 'performing' 'exams' on 'patients.' What's with all the ''? These were standardized patients pretending to be ill, with me pretending to examine them because they didn't have physical findings. I paid about 1500 dollars - the test plus my flight - to do something that I do regularly at my home med school for free. I even have to take another OSCE at my school, but at least they won't charge me.

I cannot say enough bad stuff about CS. Their end of test survey didn't even have a write in comment option to ask how they could improve it. How about not having stupid security measures in which you confiscate my feminine products? Was I planning on writing an entire History and Physical on a tampon? Really? Did we need an hour of boring video orientation in which you repeated the instructions already gave us? Was it necessary to give me a 'warning' for deleting my half finished word when the time ran out?

I will be really pissed if I didn't pass. I'm not really sure how I couldn't have, since I even put some time into preparing and because I've passed every previous CS type practice test with flying colors. I'd say more, but I was forced to promise to not reveal extensive details of this absolutely worthless test in the event that it would help someone 'cheat' on their future test.

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At 3:28 PM, Blogger Dave said...

I am soo not looking forward to taking my test.

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That test is a worthless (and expensive) POS. Frankly, the better you are at actually diagnosing people, the more likely you are to fail. In fact, I'm certain that a fair number of my attendings in med school wouldn't pass it.


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