Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Glass half sideways

On the day of a spinal surgery scheduled to last forever, I was sent this from 'black belt blue gi' for some inspiration.

His message:
"The pessimist looks at how many people are in front of him in line. The optimist looks at all the people behind him - they would count themselves lucky to have his spot."

My response:
"The realist stands in her 15 pound lead apron for 8 hours during spine surgery and realizes the resident is beside her, the attending across from her, and those lucky nurses behind her don't have to worry about contaminating the sterile operating field."

The lead apron you wear to protect you from the x-ray is heavier than you think it is. All of the weight just crushes you - though the other option looks like this though it is possible that they were joking.

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