Sunday, May 14, 2006

A highly educational weekend

Things that I learned this weekend.

1. When a guy orders you beer, the proper answer is 'beer's okay, but I'd prefer something else.' Not 'I'll have what your having' or 'I hate beer.'

2. A liter is alot of wine. Light-weights like me, no matter the situation, should not feel the need to help finish it.

3. Black belts do not like it when they can't throw the little green belt. It doesn't mean the black belt doesn't win, it means her coach yells at her for not throwing me.

4. 'My insoles make my shoes squeak' is not an excuse to stop wearing them for your flat feet. I had my first of what will be the many painful morning runs because I stopped wearing them and put them back in to run.

5. My HTML programming is still there - after six years. Why on earth can't my calculus be there too . . .

6. It's a good thing your sister put your name on your mother's day card. A very good thing.

Now I'm going to head to the library and do med school learning. Micro day 3!


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