Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Goodbye IM

I'm rotating my way out of internal medicine this week. On my week off I will be visiting the Vegas w/the family for a bit, and then probably going to the county fair before I attend a blow-out Labor Day Party on Sunday. Even though I should be studying for the hellish IM shelf exam, I needed a few moments to reflect on my entire experience in these past two months. Consider them 'learning issues' as one of our IM attendings likes to point out, some of it don't have much to do with medicine.

1. Cancer=never funny. Delirium/psychosis(compared to cancer)=absolutely hilarious. It's alot easier and mentally less taxing to find a patients behavior funny rather than being depressed with terminal/chronic illness, because nothing you do seems to be making much of a difference.

2. When you get your newest attending, something will happen that will profoundly embaress you - be it falling asleep on rounds, having someone bring up your dating history, or failing to put in that NPO order for a surgery/biopsy. (It's a really bad day if all 3 things happen in one day.)

3. The hospital is inherently inefficient. Being mad at it won't make your 14 hour, 80 work week violating day any easier. Accept it for now, and hope no one enters you apartment and thinks you were kidnapped 3 weeks ago due to the lack of washing your dishes.

4. You cannot study the weird condition afflicting your patient and the required shelf board material. Pick one or the other and get some sleep. Or do neither and learn to rely on BS to make through.

5. Teams of any type need to be an even amount of estrogen and testosterone. Seriously. It doesn't mean that women or men are inherently bad, but there is a saturation point in which homicide seems feasible. (OB here I come!!)

6. If it is important, you will find a way to get it done - be it talking to a cute boy, making that batch of cookies, or helping a friend through a tough time. It doesn't matter if you haven't slept for days, you'll make time.


At 9:24 AM, Blogger Allie said...

It's an American holiday on the first Monday of September that is supposed to honor our 'workers.' It has not connection to any specific event. Basically, it's a day off of work for 80 percent of the US population - no schools, government offices, and most businesses are open.


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