Tuesday, August 08, 2006

heal thyself or not

I'm actually ill. Normally that wouldn't bother me, but right now all of my patients are immunocompromised. I might be a little feverish and a little coughing/sneezing. However, you aren't allowed to really be ill during Med 3 because we have a limited number of days of illness - well, if any. Theoretically, I could have three days off.

Except I'm not going to take them. No med student actually takes them. You just can't. You don't know that much to begin with and every day is an uphill battle. There just isn't time to be sick.

Despite all of that, I am dragging my worsening self to the resident's clinic tomorrow. It's not really about me. It's really the idea of making my patients sick and possibly kiling them. That would be bad.


At 9:28 PM, Blogger Irishdoc said...

So far I've had Pneumonia and an otitis media. Both of which have required antibiotics-none of which I've taken any time off for. I'm always amazed at how MD's are so good at taking care of other people but we treat ourselves like shit


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