Monday, June 26, 2006

Space Banjos of the world unite!

Serenity - the movie - is full of Space Banjos. Yes, I did say 'Space Banjos.' This is different from the 'Space Violins' of Star Trek or the 'Lonely Saxaphone' of Taxi Driver. At every scene change in Serenity, the Space Banjos play.

I never watched the cancelled TV show, Firefly, but I picked up the movie from the public library and watched it yesterday at my new apartment. I was vaguely aware that Firefly was considered a 'Space Western,' but I guess I was unprepared for the actual Space Banjos.

About the actual movie itself, I don't know what I feel. The computer generated ships were actually more enjoyable than in the more recent Star Wars prequels, but I never got much of a feeling on the characters. For example, Inara. I had no clue who she was or why she left the ship, though I later looked up that she was a 'Companion' (aka Space Hooker). In other words, the action was excellent, but the characterization was so-so.

I definitely recommend watching the 'out-takes' after you see the movie. They are really funny, especially when the fearless captain destroys a serious scene with adlibbed instructions about what to do with the dead to his crew. The deleted scenes are helpful as well to give you a glimpse of aforementioned characters that I didn't really know. I recommend skipping the Joss Whedon interview unless you are a huge fan because they go on and on and on and on about how awesome the fans are.

Other random news - the move into my apartment went pretty well. I'm spending this week getting exercise, forcing my body clock onto Med 3 time, buying Med 3 stuff like books, reading lots of books, and watching random TV I downloaded.

7 days till they let me see patients. I'll be on Gen Med 3 service.


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