Wednesday, May 31, 2006

MP3 players aren't for extending use

So I'm learning that MP3 player earbuds were not designed with board studying med students in mind. I probably shouldn't be wearing them for 11 hours because my ears really started to hurt.

Fortunately, my ear pain in no way impairs my eyes, unlike some undergrads who were studying in the library today. A few didn't read that 'cell phones should be used in the stairwell' sign - rather than the main studying area. Or the giggling girls who felt it was necessary to be loud and annoying by the elevators.

I do have the best brother in the world. He came by yesterday to help me review in a subject he knows nothing about. You can't ask for more that that. While he did eat a significant amount of my food, he really put himself out there for me. I have no idea what I did to deserve a great brother like that.

Random number in my life - I own 8 white tank tops. I started buying them because they were good staples of any wardrobe, but I think this is getting a little bit out of control.


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