Thursday, May 25, 2006

I am Christina Yang

Okay, yes, I know I am supposed to be board studying, right now, but I needed to comment - I am currently living the life of Christina Yang. My room is her apartment. I have a bunch of magazines I'm not reading, I'm not washing clothes - I'm buying new ones so I don't have to do laundry. The only thing I have in my fridge is yogurt and mozzeralla cheese. The maids that John hired to come here didn't run away screaming, I actually pilled everything up on my bed so they could at least vaccuum.

(That clean floor is presently covered in papers again.)

People may be wondering what is with the tap dancing. I mean, seriously, aren't I busy enough? That is the thing about tap class. For 1.5 hours, I am not a med student. I'm just a middle of the pack dancer who doesn't care about the brachial plexus or toxoplasmosis infections. I'm not being smart, I'm not trying to find the cure for cancer. I'm not worried about professionalism or anything. I am being me, for better or worse.

Back to the books!


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